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Browse our articles and feel free to message us if you have any questions.

  • Managing State in JavaScript

    Complex, interactive websites need a good strategy for managing their state. Losing track of data or configuration in an application can lead to poor user experiences and low engagement rates. Read on to learn the best ways to manage state within JavaScript applications.


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  • Using Javascript Classes

    JavaScript, an object-oriented (OO) programming language, supports the creation of objects and classes. Understanding and using these powerful tools correctly is the backbone of an efficient codebase.


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  • Coding an Angular Universal App

    How to create your first Angular Universal app

    Angular Universal is a powerful technology that allows developers to render Angular applications on the server. This means that the application can be sent to the client as a fully rendered HTML page, rather than relying on the client alone.


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  • Handling Asynchronous Events in JavaScript

    In this article, we will explore various methods of handling asynchronous events in JavaScript, including callbacks, promises, async/await, and observables.


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  • Introduction to Firebase

    In this article, we will explore why front-end developers should use Firebase and how it can help them build better web applications.


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  • Building Reactive Apps with RxJS and Angular

    What is RxJS and how can it help front-end developers when building an Angular app?

    This article will explore what makes RxJS such a powerful tool for reducing this complexity.


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  • Firebase: Firestore vs Real-time Database

    Which One Should Front-End Developers Use to Build a Website?

    Firestore and Real-time Database are the two main database options when working with Firebase. But which one should you use for your next project and why?


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  • Why do I need Redux with React?

    Redux is a state management library that works seamlessly with React. In this article, we will explore why you need Redux with React and how it can improve your development experience.


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  • User Feedback in UX Design

    What is user feedback, why do I need it, and how do I get it?

    One of the most important tools in the UX designer's arsenal is user feedback. By collecting feedback from users, designers can gain valuable insights into how their products are being used and identify areas for improvement.


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  • Understanding React Hooks

    What are React hooks and how can I use them to my advantage?

    React hooks are a powerful feature that allows developers to reuse stateful logic in their components. We'll look at the value this can add to React apps and talk through some examples to come to a deeper understanding of how hooks can change the way we code.


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  • 13 Front-End Tips for creating a World-Class UX

    A world-class UX can only be delivered with a powerful front-end

    Whether using Angular, React, Svelte, or even just writing code in plain javascript, front-end developers are responsible for delivering the UX. They may not have designed it, but they need to understand it and the have the skills required to craft it.


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  • Firebase Cloud Functions: Sending a Slack Message

    A casestudy using Firebase Pub/Sub Cloud Functions to send a Slack message to a specific channel, with code examples showing how to publish the message to a topic and retrieve it in a subscriber to forward on to the Slack API.


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  • Engaging UX Design

    How to attact and retain visitors with UX design

    Beautiful, seamless designs can make your website stand, staying up-to-date with the latest methodologies and tech can make sure you are always offering the best experience, and keeping your designs functional and engaging will ensure that visitors want to return.


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  • Redux vs Hooks in React

    Comparing Redux and Hooks for state management in React, we look at the differences, pros/cons, and potential use-cases for each.


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  • User-Centered design

    People often forget that the "U" in UI and UX refers to the "User" and only focus on the "Interface" and the "Experience". This article tackles some of the design and build challenges faced in the world of front-end development and how to overcome them to create world-class websites and apps.


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  • Hire Top React Developers

    Get the best React developers for your next project

    React is a very popular JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces, and our team of developers are experts at crafting elegant, performant applications that delight users and drive business results.


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  • How to setup a Svelte app

    A short guide to setting up Svelte with full support for TypeScript and SCSS

    This guide is a simple step by step approach to setting up a Svelte application the way we like it here at A&A, complete with SCSS and TypeScript integration.


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  • Angular vs React

    Which framework should you choose for your project?

    This article covers 11 of the biggest comparison points between 2 of the most common and loved javascript frameworks available to front-end developers.


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  • Resolvers in Angular

    What are resolvers in Angular?

    Exploring what is a resolver and it's applications, why they make Angular one of the most powerful frameworks available, and how to use them to create a world-class bespoke UI.


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  • Hire Top Angular Developers

    Why we are the best choice for your next Angular project

    Find world-class, highly-experienced Angular developers ready to take your project to the next level. We have the best Angular developers in the industry, ready to take your project to the next level.


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  • Closures in JavaScript

    JavaScript is a powerful programming language that enables developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages. However, it can also be a challenging language to master, with several complicated features that can cause confusion and frustration. In this article, we will explore one of the most complex features in JavaScript: closures.


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  • Scope in JavaScript

    A Comprehensive Guide for Front-end Developers

    Scope is one of the fundamental concepts of JavaScript that every developer needs to understand in order to build a website that works perfectly. In this article, we will dive into the world of scope and explore everything there is to know about it in JavaScript.


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  • Digital Marketing and SEO Strategies

    Getting your website onto the first page of Google

    In the fast-paced digital world, it can be hard to get yourself out there. At A&A Agency we provide a managed service for all your online marketing activities, but here are a few of our favourite tips and tricks if you want to go it alone.


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  • Understanding JavaScript's "this" Keyword

    JavaScript's "this" keyword is often misunderstood by developers, especially when it comes to object-oriented programming. In this article, we will explore the concept of "this" and how the dynamic reference changes in different scopes.


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  • What is a front-end developer?

    As a front-end development agency, this is a question we get asked a lot. But it is surprisingly difficult to answer. As front-end developers we do a lot of varied tasks in any given day. However, clarity of purpose is important, so we thought we'd have a stab at writing it all down anyway.


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