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Advanced Angular: Using resolvers to enhance your UX

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What are resolvers in Angular?

Exploring what is a resolver and it's applications, why they make Angular one of the most powerful frameworks available, and how to use them to create a world-class bespoke UI.

Angular is a powerful front-end JavaScript framework that enables developers to build world-class websites and apps. One of the essential features of Angular 15 is the use of resolvers, which can help developers manage data and improve website/app performance. In this article, we'll explore how resolvers work and how they can enhance UX/UI design and functionality.

How Resolvers Work

Resolvers are a type of Angular service that resolves data before the associated component is loaded. When a user navigates to a new route, the resolver can retrieve data from a server or other source and ensure that it is available before the component is loaded. This helps to eliminate delays in data retrieval and improves the overall performance of the website or app.Here's an example of how a resolver can be used in Angular:

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class ExampleResolver implements Resolve<Example> { constructor(private exampleService: ExampleService) {} resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<Example> { const exampleId =; return this.exampleService.getExample(exampleId); } }

In this example, we create a resolver called ExampleResolver that resolves an Example object before the associated component is loaded. The ExampleResolver implements the Resolve interface, which requires the resolve() method to be implemented.The resolve() method retrieves the id parameter from the route and uses it to call the getExample() method of the ExampleService. The getExample() method returns an Observable<Example>, which is the data that the resolver resolves.To use the resolver, we need to define it in the routing configuration for the associated component:

const routes: Routes = [{ path:'example/:id', component:ExampleComponent, resolve: { example: ExampleResolver } }];

In this example, we define a route for the ExampleComponent that includes a parameter called id. We also define a resolve object that maps the example key to the ExampleResolver.Now, when a user navigates to the example/:id route, the ExampleResolver will resolve the Example data before the ExampleComponent is loaded.

Benefits of Resolvers

Resolvers offer several benefits that can enhance UX/UI design and functionality. One of the most significant benefits is that they can help to improve website/app performance by reducing the amount of time it takes to load data.

By using resolvers, front-end developers can ensure that data is available without delay, because it is loaded before a component is initialised. This means we can do away with granular loading states and frustrating spinners and reduce the time it takes users to reach the first meaningful paint (FMP). And it also ensures that the FMP is trully meaningful to the website user, including the valuable data or content they came to see.

Another benefit of using resolvers is that they can help to improve SEO. Search engines like Google and Bing use algorithms to rank websites based on a variety of factors, including page load times, mobile responsiveness, and content quality. As mentioned resolvers help developers ensure that their website or app users have access to the information they need as quickly as possible. This can help to improve the overall SEO of the website or app and make it more visible to users who are searching for related content.

Resolvers can also help to enhance the functionality of a website or app by ensuring that users have access to the data they need. This is especially important for websites and apps that require a lot of user input or that rely on complex data structures. By using resolvers, developers can ensure that data is available when it is needed, which can help to improve the overall functionality of the website or app.

Finally, by enhancing the user experience of a website or app, resolvers can also help to ensure customer loyalty and further engagement. If users enjoy a seamless browsing experience and have access to the information they need quickly and without interruption, this can help to improve user satisfaction and encourage users to return to the platform in the future.

Alternatives to Resolvers

While resolvers are a powerful feature of Angular, there are also alternative solutions that developers can use to manage data and improve website/app performance. One alternative is to use server-side rendering (SSR), which can help to reduce load times by rendering the HTML on the server before sending it to the client. Another alternative is to use caching techniques to store data locally on a user's device, thus bypassing the need for multiple requests to the server and improving performance. While these techniques may not offer the same level of functionality as resolvers and are more complicated to implement, they can still be effective in reducing load times and improving the overall performance of the website or app. In addition, there is nothing to say that these techniques cannot be used in conjunction with each other. For example, resolvers can be used with SSR so that data and/or content from a database or CMS are already rendered into your HTML when it arrives at the client. By stacking these techniques, we can use the benefits to create even more advances UIs and ultimately happier customers!


Resolvers are a powerful feature of Angular that can help to manage data and improve website/app performance. By ensuring that data is available without delay, resolvers can enhance UX, improve SEO to drive more traffic to your website, improve user engagement and conversions, and help to create a beautiful and seamless UI, building a strong rapor with customers and/or users which encourages them to return and recommend your service. While there are alternative solutions available, resolvers remain a popular choice among developers who want to build world-class websites and apps.