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Building Reactive Apps with RxJS and Angular

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What is RxJS and how can it help front-end developers when building an Angular app?

This article will explore what makes RxJS such a powerful tool for reducing this complexity.

Angular provides a powerful set of tools and features for building complex applications. However, as applications become more complex, managing state and handling asynchronous events can become difficult.

Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS) is a powerful library for reactive programming in JavaScript. It provides a set of operators for transforming, filtering, and combining data streams. In this article, we will explore how to use RxJS with Angular to build reactive apps.

Why Use RxJS with Angular?

Angular applications often have to deal with asynchronous events such as user interactions, API requests, and data updates. These events can lead to complex and hard-to-maintain code. RxJS provides a clean and concise way to handle these events and manage state in your Angular app.

RxJS also makes it easier to handle data streams and provides powerful tools for transforming and combining streams. This can help simplify your code and make it more maintainable.

How to Use RxJS with Angular

To use RxJS with Angular, you need to first install it using npm:

$ npm install rxjs

Once you have installed RxJS, you can import it into your Angular component:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

RxJS provides a wide range of operators that you can use to transform, filter, and combine data streams. Here are some of the most commonly used operators:

  • map: transforms each item in a stream into a new item

  • filter: filters items in a stream based on a condition

  • merge: merges two or more streams into a single stream

  • concat: concatenates two or more streams into a single stream

  • combineLatest: combines the latest items from two or more streams into a single stream

  • switchMap: switches to a new stream when a new item is emitted in the source stream

To use these operators, you first need to create an Observable. An Observable is a stream of data that you can subscribe to and receive updates from. Here's an example of how to create an Observable:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; const myObservable = new Observable(observer => {'Hello');'World'); observer.complete(); });

In this example, we have created an Observable that emits the strings "Hello" and "World". We have also called the `complete()` method to indicate that the Observable has finished emitting items.

Now that we have created an Observable, we can use RxJS operators to transform and combine the data stream. Here's an example of how to use the `map` operator to transform the data stream:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'; const myObservable = new Observable(observer => {'Hello');'World'); observer.complete(); }); const mappedObservable = myObservable.pipe(map(item => item.toUpperCase())); mappedObservable.subscribe(item => console.log(item));

In this example, we have used the `map` operator to transform each item in the data stream to uppercase. We have also used the `pipe` method to chain the `map` operator to the Observable. Finally, we have subscribed to the transformed Observable and logged the results to the console.

Building an App with RxJS and Angular

Now that we have a basic understanding of how to use RxJS with Angular, let's build a simple app that demonstrates how to use RxJS to manage state and handle asynchronous events.

Our app will be a simple todo list that allows users to add and remove tasks from previous:

Creating the App Component

To start building our app, we need to create a component that will manage the state of our todo list. Here's an example of how to create the component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable, BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs'; interface Todo { id: number; text: string; } @Component({ selector: 'app-todo', template: ` <h1>Todo List</h1> <input [(ngModel)]="newTodo" (keyup.enter)="addTodo()" placeholder="Add new task"> <ul> <li *ngFor="let todo of todos$ | async">{{ todo.text }}</li> </ul> `, }) export class TodoComponent { private todosSubject = new BehaviorSubject<Todo[]>([]); todos$: Observable<Todo[]> = this.todosSubject.asObservable(); newTodo = ''; addTodo() { const newId = this.todosSubject.getValue().length + 1; const newTodo = { id: newId, text: this.newTodo };[...this.todosSubject.getValue(), newTodo]); this.newTodo = ''; } }

In this component, we have defined an interface Todo that represents the shape of our todo items. We have also imported Observable and BehaviorSubject from RxJS to manage the state of our todo list.

The todosSubject is a private BehaviorSubject that will store the state of our todo list. We have also defined an observable todos$ that emits the current state of the todo list.

The addTodo method adds a new todo item to the todo list by creating a new todo object with a unique id and the text entered by the user. It then updates the todosSubject with the new todo item and resets the newTodo input field.

We have also created a simple template that displays the todo list and allows users to add new tasks using the addTodo method.

Handling Asynchronous Events

Our app currently allows users to add new tasks to the todo list, but it doesn't handle the case where the user deletes a task. To handle this case, we need to add a button to each todo item that allows the user to delete the task.

To do this, we can modify the TodoComponent template to include a delete button for each todo item:

<ul> <li *ngFor="let todo of todos$ | async"> {{ todo.text }} <button (click)="deleteTodo(todo)">Delete</button> </li> </ul>

This method filters the current todo list to remove the selected todo item and updates the todosSubject with the new todo list.

We have now successfully handled the case where users delete tasks from the todo list.


In this article, we have explored how to use RxJS with Angular to build reactive apps. We have covered the basics of RxJS and how to use it with Angular components to manage state and handle asynchronous events.

We have also built a simple todo list app that demonstrates how to use RxJS with Angular. By using RxJS to manage state and handle asynchronous events, we have created a simple and maintainable app that can easily be scaled up to handle more complex use cases.

By using RxJS, Angular developers can easily build reactive apps that can handle complex use cases and user interactions. RxJS provides a powerful set of tools for managing state and handling asynchronous events, making it an ideal choice for building reactive apps.

In addition to managing state and handling asynchronous events, RxJS can also be used to implement other features such as data caching, server communication, and real-time data updates. By leveraging the power of RxJS, Angular developers can build apps that are both efficient and easy to maintain.

In conclusion, RxJS is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance the capabilities of Angular developers. By using RxJS, developers can build reactive apps that are both efficient and easy to maintain. If you're an Angular developer looking to build reactive apps, RxJS is definitely worth considering.